As a conflict coach, we help divorcing, legally separating, seeking child custody arrangements, post-divorce modification individuals navigate through these proceedings with the least conflict and cost as possible.

Schedule Consultation

To schedule your divorce coaching consultation, please review and complete the following:


    It is understood and agreed that the following terms and conditions apply to all divorce and other coaching consultation services provided to Client by Complete Conflict Coaching, LLC (“Coach”);

    1. All communications, information, and documents shall be held as confidential unless Client states otherwise in writing and shall also be subject to attorney-client privilege.
    2. Coach will provide Client with legal and financial advice and direction; however, Coach will not attend or represent Client in any court proceedings.
    3. Client is fully responsible for his or her physical, mental, and emotional well-being and any decisions made, or actions taken.

    Client agrees to pay a $95 nonrefundable flat-fee for a one time 30-minute in-person or telephonic consultation with Coach. Client can reschedule the consultation up to two times upon giving Coach at least 24-hours’ notice.


    For the time spent by Coach to confer with Client or any other involved person, review documents, correspond, make telephone calls, prepare documents and agreements, and do such other things as may be reasonably necessary, Client shall pay Coach the pro-rated fee of $350 per hour in accordance with the following terms and conditions: View Terms.